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About Me

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Who is this guy?

Do you like the banner picture? Yeah that's not me, looks cool though right? I'm Stewart McFarlane and I'm a self-taught front-end developer.

I discovered coding during the lockdown of March 2020, quickly got hooked, and haven't looked back since. After trying out a few languages, I settled on Javascript (and later React JS) to combine with my newly found HTML & CSS skills.

After learning and practicing on my own everyday for around 9 months, I found a job at Toru Interactive Ltd in February 2021, where I'm still employed to this day. My skills have accelerated significantly since entering the professional environment, this is in great part thanks to the support and increasing responsibility I'm being given by my employer.

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Outside of work

I'm a person with a sporting background (mainly football) who's always looking to improve. I like to keep myself fit and enjoy exercising, although my sweet tooth can lead to some questionable diet choices!

I'm learning Turkish in my free time which has proven to be a very difficult but enjoyable challenge.

I'm an easy going person who enjoys watching films & TV shows in my downtime. My favourite TV show is, without question, The Sopranos. My favourite movie is probably The Godfather, although it's very difficult to choose just one!

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